social media accounts
your parent's Phone #
your Email
your Name
name of your high school
your parent's name
hobbies and school involvement
why do you want to be an ambassador?
Thank you for your interest in the senior ambassador program. I will be in touch if you are a candidate!
Jennifer Powell Photography Senior Portraits Ambassador Program rep search is underway! I am currently seeking ambassadors from Leon, Chiles, Lincoln High School and surrounding High Schools to act as model representatives. Senior Ambassador Program is for rising high school seniors who are enthusiastic, photogenic, business-minded and social media savvy. This program works really well for those who are heavily involved in their school, have a large social media base, and love taking photos. The best part is you will receive a complimentary session for your own senior portraits.

If you are currently a Junior or Senior, I want you! You can earn a free senior portrait photography session and edited digital images. All you have to do is tell your friends about me. No, you don’t have to be a supermodel…just be an outgoing, fun-spirited person! As an Ambassador, you will receive a senior portrait session. Additionally, I'll tag you in photos on Facebook, Instagram. This requires you to like my Facebook, IG page so I can tag your photos. A parent or legal guardian is required to attend your mini portrait session so that I know that they are fully aware of your intentions of representing Jennifer Powell Photography.

It’s simple! Complete the online entry application. Then, I will evaluate your application to see if you qualify for your complimentary senior session. I am looking for outgoing and active individuals, who are not shy and are willing to brag about their session. I don't decide Ambassadors based on your grades, involvement or accolades. I am just looking for someone outgoing and willing to work hard as our Senior Ambassador.

application form
How do i apply?
what is the senior ambassador program?

Senior Ambassador Program